David Greene
Dairy Consultant/Feed Center Design Specialist/Feed Systems Evaluations

David Greene joined the Barton Kiefer team three and a half years ago, bringing a wealth of experience in dairy nutrition and dairy tech with him. Serving as a feed strategy and nutrition specialist, he also designs feed centers and ensures that everyone’s feeding operations are working efficiently.
“I go where I am needed,” David explains, and many weeks this leads him to travel to locations around the United States to check in on his clients’ herds or provide support to other group members’ client operations. He has assisted in Barton Kiefer’s work with dairy operations internationally.
Barton Kiefer is different than many other consulting groups, in that they are comprised of 17 uniquely experienced members. This group comes together with their shared experience and collaborates closely, combining their vast knowledge to effectively solve any challenges they face. These qualities are what stood out to him before he joined the team.
“When we have problems and need to troubleshoot an issue, we have each other to bounce ideas off of in order to resolve a herd’s problems,” he says. “I am fortunate because I get to work with all of the members of our group, so I get to know all of them, and it is a lot of fun.”
Barton Kiefer’s relationship with its clients is long-lasting and close. “Our clients become our friends, and you want to do everything you can to make them profitable and successful,” David says. “The most rewarding part of our work is having a role in our clients’ success.”